Learn to communicate effectively with your dog and lay the foundation so you can build the friendship of a lifetime.
About Us
Scruffy Fluffies uses a balanced approach when it comes to puppy training, obedience and behavior modification. Our primary goal is to utilize engagement exercises to help all dogs and owners understand each other and work together as a team. Engagement training involves exercises designed to teach the dog that working with and paying attention to its owner is more rewarding than anything else. This system builds communication and trust between dog and owner, which allows the dog to enjoy training and become optimistic about future learning opportunities. Once this foundation is built, owners are able to read their dog’s emotions and better predict their dog’s behavior. With this method, we do not simply stop or start certain behaviors, but diagnose and address the root of those behaviors.
Start building an enduring relationship with your dog.
About the Trainer
Founder and Trainer, Victoria Alexander, found her love of nature early in life. She grew up spending her summers camping by the lake with the family dogs and dreaming of living on a farm. She finally got a dog of her own, 7 years ago, when she rescued her first husky: it changed her life forever. Learning to train her new, reserved dog, got Victoria hooked on dog training. She saw how the process was bringing her dog out of its shell and creating the bond she’d been hoping for between the two of them. That evolution inspired her to learn everything she could about engagement training. Five years ago, she decided to change careers from entertainment to dog training and began learning from other trainers. She has since become a certified dog trainer after completing the Dog Trainer course at Animal Behavior College. Victoria loves working with all kinds of dogs and owners to improve their lives and help them live in harmony.
Victoria is an Animal Behavior College Certified Trainer as well as an Associate member of the International Association of Canine Professionals.

All Private and Dog Boot Camp sessions require a consultation prior to the start of the training. This usually takes about an hour and a half and allows the trainer to see what specific needs you and your dog have. With that information, we formulate a plan before any training begins. We will also get you started on environment management, if necessary, so everything is in place for the first official session.
1.5 hour Consultation – $80.00
Private Session
We offer private, in home training sessions personalized to each client’s needs. When you train in your home, everything your dog learns is in the right context; allowing them to learn faster, and making behaviors stronger where you need them most.
One Month : 4 Private Sessions – $540.00
Six Weeks: 6 Private Sessions – $750.00
Two Months : 8 Private Sessions – $950.00
Dog Boot Camp
We understand that training takes time you may not be able to commit. If you want your dog to get the consistency it needs, but don’t have the time to do it yourself, you can enroll in Dog Boot Camp. Our trainer will come to your home and work with your dog alone. After the last Boot Camp lesson, there will be an Owner Transfer session, during which the trainer will get you caught up on commands, techniques and cues so you have the necessary skills to keep your dog on track.
4 Training Sessions & 1 Owner Transfer – $750.00
8 Training Sessions & 2 Owner Transfers – $1,350.00
Contact Us
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t r a i n s c r u f f y f l u f f i e s @ g m a i l . c o m
s c r u f f y f l u f f i e s . t r a i n i n g